Some of the people we've worked with have been kind enough to add a short review of what we've done for them below. If you would like to give us any feedback please email


"I loved working for First City I recommend anyone who is thinking of a career in care or someone who needs a fresh challenge to give them a call" - Helen, former employee

"I wanted to give you some good feedback about a colleague I worked with over the weekend. I just wanted you to know how efficient she is with the times we have to do our calls, I noticed the clients we went into were enjoying, and appreciating us being there, and having lovely conversations with us. I just wanted you to know how fantastic and professionally caring my colleague is in her job." - Colleague

"I would like to put in words my enormous gratitude to the regular staff that have worked really hard with dad, getting to know him and learning how to communicate with him. When dad came to the supported living location I honestly thought he was moving towards the end of his life, he was underweight, very depressed and had given up, he looked awful. I was under immense stress and myself and my family were at breaking point. Thanks to the staff dad now has a new lease and love for life and is thriving (having put on a stone, walking without an aid indoors) he is smiling and laughing again and is so happy. I no longer worry constandly about him and have got my life back too! I really can't thank the team enough for the impace they have had on dad's and consequently mine and my families life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart." - Kirsty, Customer

"I just wanted to write to you today in regard to the hospital discharge. There were a number of issues upon my visit to the lady in question, but I was hoping that you could pass on my gratitude for the assistance from X and Y in arranging an overnight visit for the lady at very short notice and so quickly. The lady and I are very thankful, and she felt reassured that she would be able to stay at home safely" - Great Western Hospital Care Manager

"I would just like to say a massive thank you for talking with me yesterday even though you were on a day off, it was greatly appreciated." - First City Colleague

" The carers have been excellent and top notch, all my expectations have been met. The people in the office are also amazing and do marvellous jobs behind the curtain. Thank you to the whole team for all your efforts." - Mr Johnson


Please note, pseudonyms have been used to maintain confidentiality.


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